Thursday, July 24, 2014

Epicuro en español

The first Spanish-language review of my book has posted, and it’s very positive and foreboding of good things to come. The Spanish version of the book is available inpaperback and Kindle editions. Additionally in recent weeks, a Spanish-language webpage for Society of Epicurus has been created, as well as a Spanish-language facebook group for the Sociedad de Amigos de Epicuro. 
The review was done by Alan Furth, who resides in Buenos Aires, Argentina and is a blogger for Las Indias. He gives an extended overview of the key points of my contemporary interpretation of Epicurean doctrine:
El libro es una resumida pero muy completa introducción a los principios básicos y la práctica del epicureísmo. Pero también brinda una interesante interpretación de las enseñanzas de Epicuro desde el punto de vista de la psicología positiva, la neurociencia y otras disciplinas científicas que hoy en día corroboran gran parte del legado del maestro. 
”The book is a summarized but very complete introduction to the basic principles and practice of Epicureanism. But it also brinds an interesting interpretation of the teachings of Epicurus from the perspective of positive psychology, neuroscience, and other scientific disciplines that today vindicate great part of the legacy of the Master.”
Read the entire review. Use google translate (or any other online translation service) if you don’t understand Spanish.

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