Saturday, April 21, 2012

The People's Money: Complementary Currencies and the Need for a Sustainable Monetary Policy in the U.S.

The article The People's Money: Complementary Currencies and the Need for a Sustainable Monetary Policy in the U.S., written by yours truly is featured on Greenewave, an alternative media outlet. It was offered as my entry to Become the Media!, a creative writer contest.

1 comment:

  1. Jct: Nice Post. Now appreciate that human Power times time is as much energy as Mass times C^2. And timebanks are already in existence where the numeraire is the Hour of human labor. So EnergyBank measured in Hours of Energy or TimeBank measured in Hours of Energy, it's all the same except we have a UNILETS Millennium Declaration C6 to restructure the global financial architecture with a time-based currency!
